This is the semi-daily photo-diary of She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Expect posts accompanied with blurbs of what happened that day and the occasional pop-culture reference at 9:45AM.

The Girl Who Lived


To maintain a little bit of privacy, I have chosen to hide my real name. I have this fear of people googling me and seeing such embarrassing posts online; imagine, what if they could be my future employer? Thus, you may call me Vera Mare. To those of you who know me in real life, you would definitely put two and two together and figure out just why I have chosen this name. Apparently, the only thing I will be keeping private here is my real name, and the other minute details of my life, I will freely share.

As my URL suggests, I will most probably post semi-daily at 9:45 AM—but honestly, this is where I will cheat. I have not specified a timezone. I could probably post at 9:45 PM my time and say that it is probably 9:45 AM halfway across the world. I believe that is a good enough justification. Honestly, I'm barely even awake at 9:45 AM on a weekend, and on weekdays, I'll be in school with little to no internet connection.

Which bears questioning, why chose to name a blog after such an ungodly hour? Simple. 9:45, is nine and three quarters of the whole day, and if you're a huge Harry Potter fan, then I'm sure the reference won't go way past your head. I am and will continue to be a geek, first and foremost, so expect to see a little bit of pop culture references here and there.

The purpose of this "fashion" blog isn't strictly for fashionable purposes. I don't really keep up with the trends and have no real plan of discussing how to be in. This exists mainly to help boost my self-confidence and hopefully feel comfortable enough to not cringe in disgust of some of my pictures after years of being behind the camera. Additionally, this blog will hold as a record of my clothes, obviously, so that I won't accidentally repeat the same outfit next week (which is something I'm orone to doing due to laziness). 

Just who am I?

You obviously already know that I am a geek, but for formal purposes:

I am Vera Mare, 20 years old, and a student of De La Salle University majoring in International Studies with a focus on American Studies. I am fluent in English and Filipino and can hold a basic conversation in Spanish. I like to engage in public discourse with topics ranging from politics to whether or not pokémon should be set free. Additionally, I am an avid astronomy nerd and am genuinely interested in all things space and stardust.

It is very nice to meet you and I hope you stay or come back often enough for the ride.


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